With just a little left
With only an inch
With just a sliver of hope
With a moment of free will
With only a spark
The universe starts
It gets hot
It all starts to expand
It creates all of man
And the chaotic plan
Goes into motion
At the whims of the emotions
Of the stars
Hostages to the sun
Confined to our earth
Wandering around
Looking for love
Oh to be
Oh not to be
Alive and dead for all of eternity
The third eye
Takes flight
And the fears start to fight
The shadows start to bite
And the darkness is only possible
Because there is light
Trying to forget all that we’ve ever known
Stuck on our dogmatic thrones
Thrown into the universe at birth
A blessing and curse
With quite reminders that
It could always get worse
But even when love hurts
Life still has worth
Every life has worth
Even when they cause us hurt
That little ant has worth
That little bee that stung your hand
Has worth
And that man
That ran that red light
And crashed head on
With you
Leaving you behind
Broken and hungry
That man
Still has worth
And that cloud in the sky
The one that blocks out your sun
That’s someone's son
That country that did that thing
That has the media and politicians going wild
That’s someone's child
And that preacher
That committed a sin
Is still someone
We should try to forgive
With just a little left
With only an inch
With just a sliver of hope
With a brief moment of free will
With only a spark
We learn how to live again.
CH 6/19/24