if a whole country
declared that they had the best system of government in the world.
And imagine
if those same people
also declared
that they had the one true religion in the world.
Not only are they smarter than everyone else,
but they also are in the favor of the one omnipotent being in the universe.
They declared themselves moral in the name of Jesus.
And justified foriegn wars
in the name of democracy.
Imagine thinking that all the other countries,
and their silly governments,
were wrong.
And imagine they pumped out their chest
And built an insane amount of bombs
And invested an insane amount of money
into their military
but pointed the finger to the rest of the world
and told us
to be more like them
They would have to be so arrogant
to think they are so much superior to everyone else
Look around
Watch people
Feel your bones
Touch the dirt
Let it run between your fingers
Don’t you see the blood?
Here is some advice from one american to another,
zoom out.