Prove to me you’re not programmed
Prove to me you’re real
What’s it feel like to be alive to you?
Can you depart from your routine,
And predictable behavior,
And do something spontaneous,
Something truly human,
Something that an algorithm couldn’t predict?
Could you do it?
Please help me
Please prove it to me
I need to know
I need to know we are more than computers
I need to know we are more than consumers
Kiss me
Or punch me
Do something human
Love me
And leave me
Make me feel what only a human could feel
Break through
Free me from my doubts
It should be simple
If it is true
Prove to me you’re human
These screens we stare at
Are they just reflections?
Are we technology?
Is technology us?
Please help me
I need to know
Prove we aren’t in a simulation
Prove we are real!
Bite me!
Scream with me!
Take a leap of faith!
Please tell me I have free will!
Tell me these words are mine!
And uniquely mine!
Tell me I am no copy!
I beg you!
Prove to me that I am human…
I need to know...