What really irks me these days
Are these people
That think they are ‘saving the world’
But in reality
They aren’t doing fuck all
But pouring gas on their fragile little ego’s
And up it flames it goes
Manifested by big smiles
And praise from other idiots
Who are also doing
Fuck all
But being proud of their ‘friend’
‘Saving the world’ -
Buying that person their breakfast -
Makes them feel
A little better
About their own shitty
For a few moments
At least
Y’all are just as big of asshole’s
As I am
At least
Know it
The people
That talk through
Fake smiles
And insert
Fake laughter
Between every other sentence
Are the worst kinds of people
In my opinion
I don’t anticipate
Those people
Are the ones
That read me
So fuck em
I know
I shouldn’t throw stones
I just hate