One of the ways that I really think about something
Is when I know someone in my life
Holds an opposing opinion on an social, moral, or political
issue then I do–
I’ll play out a conversation with that person
In my mind
About that issue
And make our opposing opinions collide
Over and over again
I’ll do this
I’ll ‘simulate’ a discussion
I’ll steal man
I’ll straw man
I’ll put myself in their shoes
And empathize with them
It becomes a debate in my mind
With me playing two sides
But obviously
I have my bias
I’ll defend my stance against 100’s of collisions
Their slings and arrows never touch me
Because I cannot rest
Until I’ve ‘won’ the conversation.
This is poison
This is toxic
The real feelings of an argument stir inside of me
I grind my teeth
And clench my jaw
I make a fist
And the imagination goes wild.
These arguments only take place in my head
But sometimes
The bitter feelings
Of the someone
They linger
And undeservedly so
They were never truly there to speak their peace
But for some reason
I’ve beaten them
And they don’t even know it...
I don’t like that I do this
If I am being honest
I know
It really is when I do some of my best thinking.
Another poison I choose to sip on.