The crescent moon tells me a tale
About a planet
Full of living things
That waged war with each other for thousands of years
And they took this planet that they called Earth
And harvested everything they could from her
So they could build towers
To try to reach the sky
And the crescent moon told me
That the sunlight gets reflected off of the earth
And hits her
The dark side that we can’t see is that reflection
And the small crescent part that we can see from down here
Is the part of the moon that light isn’t touching
We don’t see the parts of the moon that light touches
No, from down here
We see the parts of the moon that sunlight doesn’t touch
We see the darkness
Yes, our moon has a day side and a night side
Just like we do
And sometimes
When we are in the darkness
And we can’t see our own light
We are still providing light for something else
Just like the moon does
And everytime
That we think we are spreading light
We are actually creating darkness
Yes, every time light is created
So are shadows
So is darkness
And sometimes
When we think we are advancing society
We are actually destroying the only planet that has perfect conditions for life
The moon told me all of this
And what did I do about it?
I just apologized to her for us
And then went back to pushing the wheel
That builds those towers
That try to touch the sky
Because it is just what we do down here
We destroy and we create
We love and we hate
Until the day that we die
And what we do with our life
Lingers after we’re gone
And since my death or birth
Cannot save this Earth
I might as well try to touch the sky
While I am still alive
And if I don’t
Then I guess I’ll have hope
That someday
In some way
Someone after me will
CH 3/31/24