Strangely calm
In the middle of the earthquake
He reads his book
On a park bench
As the world screams around him
The ground shakes
And terrified screams travel down the busy street
He sits there
Only glancing up for the briefest of moments
To watch the world crumble
He smiles
As a street light falls over
And he laughs
As a building collapses
He loves change
He has been begging for it
And here it is
A change
It scares everyone else
But he embraces it
He lets himself feel it
Throwing his book to the side
He gets up and dances alone
In the middle of the street
To an inaudible beat
He feels the heat
He moves his feet
And flows with destruction
Not becoming it
Welcoming it
Yes, he is ready for something new
He skips along
To his own song
And for once in his life
He feels strong
In the chaos
The man stays calm
CH 4/19/24