Philia Sophia
Philia Nikia
One is the love of wisdom
For the sake of learning and growing
And the other is intellectual competitive bullshit
It’s the love of being right
The difference
A politician
And a professor
Or maybe
A shitty writer (probably wishful thinking)
I will admit
I am a damn competitive person
I mean
I am fighter with a laptop after all
This has been
One of my struggles
Before I ever learned about Philia Nikia
I noticed
My competitiveness
In places
It didn’t need to be
Like in conversation
Or in traffic
Or in relationships
Competition is rooted in the bones of Americans
It’s the wheel that spins capitalism
Do I
Integrate it
In a healthy way?
Or is it needed at all?
If I could just leave the competitiveness in the ring
And flow with the rest of life
That would be great
It isn’t so easy
To change
It’s a process
And I hope
I’ll be better
But I must practice it
Before I can
Embody it
A broken record, that I am.
Spinning the same songs
To myself
Over and over again
They stick.
We are given an inch
In an infinite universe
To move the mind
I plan to
Take that fucking inch
And change who I am.
The forever fight for free-will.
Now we know
It was never free.