If these are the last words that I’ll ever write,
then I’d like to leave you with something like this
I’m sorry
I should’ve been more
I should’ve loved deeper
I should’ve taken more risk
It doesn’t feel like it is me who I let down
But you,
And everyone else.
I could’ve been more
So don’t be like me
Learn from me
Become something
Don’t take your time on this earth for granted
Become more
And shed your skins
Discover who you are
And learn to love others
They need you
And you need them
This is life is a shared experience
So share it
Believe in yourself
Believe in everyone else
We are magic if we believe we are
Meaning can be found,
we just have to look for it
But be careful what you believe in,
it’ll shape how you see reality
Choose wisely
There are many ways to live
And many ways to die
Just make sure
That before you die
That you live first
It is your life
Grab hold of it
And sail your ship
With the winds of the world
In your sails
Sail on
Take on the storms
Overcome your fears
And believe.