The Western way
Is to try as hard as you can
Towards a goal
Unbearably hard
And never
And some day
You’ll ‘succeed’.
It’s the idea that we have to carve our path
Make our own way
And then
There is the Eastern way
To try
Without trying
To flow with the world
And how it’ll organically unfold
To you and for you
There is no raging against it
But an embrace of it
A surfing of the waves of life
It’s easy to see
How one way of being
Can inspire the technological boom
That happened in the west
And create
A constant state of
For its citizens
And it’s easy to see how
Flowing with life
And not raging against it
Can bring more peace of mind
But less
Whatever ‘progress’ is
Do we rage against life,
In order to carve out
A piece
For ourselves–
A piece
We have ‘earned’?
Or do we flow with the tides of life?
Which is the way?
So many philosophies . . .
There isn’t enough time in the day
To find the best way
All the while
Become memories
Passing us by
One at a time . . .
What is the best way for today?
Can anyone truly say?
Lost in the maze.
But it is in the search for a way out,
Where the game is played.