“Whenever someone dies, and no one talks about how, then it’s usually suicide.”
“Yeah, usually.”
“Like, when the family doesn’t talk about it, and the media doesn’t report about it, it’s usually suicide then.”
“And we never ask.”
“How can you?”
“You just give their family a hug when you see them.”
“And you don’t say anything about it.”
“Yeah . . . but why do we act this way?”
“No one wants to talk about suicide.”
“That’s true, but it’s pretty bad out there.”
“It’s getting worse, too.”
“Should we all just keep ignoring it? I don’t know about that . . .”
“I don’t know.”
“Me either.”
“Something has to change.”
“What, though?”
“I don’t know.”
“Me either.”
-C.H. 7.15.23