There it is
There it is again
That feeling that you have something special inside of your soul
There’s that spark in your heart again
That fire in your belly
What is it?
Do you know?
You feel it, though, don’t you?
It’s a light
A bright one
And it's begging you
To shine
Can’t you feel it?
Isn't it inside of all of us?
The poison of the romantics, hope
It lingers inside all of us, doesn’t it?
A real symbol
A fight against the darkness
A real light
Another sun
It’s inside of your soul
Take a breathe
And feel it again
Like you used to when you were a kid
You remember that, don’t you?
That was before this dirty world tried to ruin you
But that inner child still lives
Open the lid
Open it
And let it all out again
All of that light
All of that fight
All of that joy
And all of that wonder
It can rise
If you try
Your inner kid can fly
If you try
. . . I bet that’s true.
CH 12/27/24