What a train-wreck
What a disaster
I don’t think that could’ve gone any worse
Holy moly
I’m not even kidding
It was a classic Clint Haugen move
It really was
I mean
I was lobbed a softball here
And I fumbled it
I muffed it
It hit me between the eyes
And knocked me out cold
It really did
Can you believe it?
After all this time and I am still the most awkward guy you’ll ever meet when it matters
Can you believe that?
There was a curve-ball first
One that took me by surprise
But, I should’ve recovered
I mean
How dumb do I have to be to have messed that up?
An absolute idiot
Honestly, I am
Sometimes the universe hands me what I want on an absolute fucking platter
And I mess it up
I really do
I am no good at this stuff
It makes me sick a little
Being who I am makes me sick, sometimes
What a disaster
What a shit-show
What a dummy
How many chances does the universe give, huh?
Do you know?
Do you know how many chances the universe will give a fella during their life?
I’m just an awkward guy
I really am
I get scared
I really do
I got spooked, I guess
A classic Clint Haugen mess around
Sometimes I need to put my foot in my damn mouth
And shut the hell up
Sometimes the more I talk
The deeper my hole gets
What a mess
What a train-wreck
It really was
You should’ve been there
You’d be embarrassed for me if you were
It probably would’ve made you cringe
I bet it would have
Imagine being given a diamond
And mistaking it for a penny?
How blind would you have to be to have done that?
How dumb?
How awkward?
How cringe?
I am the king of cringe
Honestly, I am.
CH 12/4/24