Has it been a year already?
Who's to say?
Not me
I can’t tell time anymore
I really can’t
So don’t ask me if it’s been a year already
I think time moves differently for everyone
I really think that
I think time passes differently for kids in comparison to the elderly
Isn’t that obvious?
Well, isn’t it?
One second
It might be the same on the clock
But it is not the same in the mind of the person who reads the clock
10 years to a child is different in their mind
Compared to 10 years for a person who has lived for 75 years
The elderly has lived through 7 decades
While the child has yet to experience their first decade
The person doing the experiencing of their time passing is in a constant state of change
That’s obvious, isn’t it?
. . .
Some days I long for the time when time was non-existent
. . .
And some days I wish I could stop myself from changing
Sometimes I wish the sun wouldn’t set
And the day would stretch out into forever
And I could do whatever
These hours pass
And we like to collect them
And add them to our name
As if we accomplished something just by surviving
I am 32, they say
Halfway to 64
That’s what I say
Just a person surfing on the ideas of the present
Trapped in Einstein's dream of time and space
Stuck in the collective consciousness
These agreed upon rules
And these concepts we’ve all agreed upon
I wouldn’t piss on them if I could
Because I am them
I am the forever changing man
Alive on the forever changing planet
Destined to
Yes, destined to be
And all I have to do
Is be
That’s it
That’s all
Just be me
And I want to make my days count
And not count the days
. . . what a cheesy ending
Oh well,
I like it.
CH 12/9/24