We all have many faces.
We all have separate personalities.
Our faces change with our environment.
Our personalities adapt.
You have a work face
A party face
An at home face
A face for your friends
A face for your family.
You have a face for christmas
you wear it in front of your mom and dad.
And then you have you have your face for halloween,
that you wear
when you’re drunk at midnight
with your friends.
You have a first date face.
You have a sex face.
A wedding face.
A funeral face.
A birthday face
and the worst face of all,
your work face.
You put on these faces
as an adjustment to your circumstance.
You know you can’t wear your party face at a funeral.
So you're constantly changing,
constantly adapting to fit in.
Constantly wearing fake faces.
And only when you’re alone
and you’ve forgotten about everyone else,
when your behavior isn’t being
influenced by a beautiful woman
sitting across from you,
when are free from the judgement of your friends
and family,
and you empty your mind of the thoughts you have about them,
the face you wear
pretty close
to who you
genuinely are.