Thank you
Yes, thank you for hating me
I appreciate it
Thank you for making it clear to me that I wasn’t your type
And thank you for thinking I was corny
Thanks for doubting me
Thanks for pretending to care for a few seconds
Thanks for praying that I fail
Thanks for shitting on my goals
Thanks for saying that I was too nice
Thanks for calling me a loser
Thanks for being jealous
Thank you for being my biggest hater . . .
I see your eyes following me around town
Hoping to see me trip
Hoping to see me get hit by a car
Hoping no one else will find me interesting
Thanks for spreading rumors about me around this shit-hole of a town
Thank you for running your mouth
Thank you for hating yourself
Thanks for projecting that
Thanks for hating the world
Thanks for hating all men . . .
You reminded me who I am
And life was feeling so peaceful before that . . .
I almost settled
I almost felt good enough
I was almost content with what I’ve done so far
But then you had to remind me about all I still have to do
So I had to lock in
I had to feel your hatred
I had to come full circle
I remembered that I am still hungry
Thanks for pouring gas on that flame inside of my belly
Thanks for the inspiration
Thanks for the motivation; the YouTube videos weren't cutting it anymore.
If I could tell you one thing, it would be
Thanks for hating me
Thanks for beating me down
Thanks for making me feel like I’m not enough
Thanks for making me stronger than I ever imagined I would be
They say living well is the best revenge . . .
Living well . . . So I hope you’ll see me in hell
I hope you see who I am
I hope you see who I’ll become
Thanks for never showing me love
Thanks for always putting me down
Thank you for making me feel like a clown
Thank you for reminding me about suffering
Thanks for taking me down to hell with you
I wish you well . . . I hope you find peace in hell
I hope you’ll hate me forever
I hope you’ll always talk shit
Thanks for reminding me how pathetic I am
Thank you for hating me . . .
I remember all the insults and forget all the compliments
Thank you for giving up on me
And thank you for not forgiving me
Thanks for thinking that I wasn’t capable
Thanks for underestimating me
Thanks for rejecting me
Thanks for all of the nicknames
Thanks for setting me off like a loaded gun
Thanks for reminding me who the fuck I am
I am Clint Haugen,
And that’s enough.
CH 11/27/24