And freedom
And the mind
The shadow side
And Einstein
Changing your life
Free will
Standing still
An expanding universe
A new verse
One that hits deep
Even though that pain doesn’t hurt
Like it used to
And that muse is amused with how she moved in you
How she moved through you . . .
You still don’t know
What your words are worth
Probably worthless, the impostor whispers
Probably worthless . . .
Searching for meaning
As meaning searches for you
But your shadow
Doesn’t want any responsibility
So you shelter in place
Never making a move
Never finding your groove
You can’t hurt
If you never lose . . . can you?
Can You?
The world moves, though
And us along with it
It spins
It spits fire
And shoots electricity across the sky
It sneezes rain
And coughs up wind
And to you
It all feels the same within
It all feels the same within . . .
A spinning turmoil
As they drill for more oil
And they’ll probably keep drilling
Until this spinning rock drops
And I never knew
I was her defender
Until she reminded me
That she is me
And I am her
And together
We are something
We are hardly anything
Only a single grain of sand
Inside the mind of the madman
But together
We are Earth
We are the poison
And we are the cure
Always stronger together
Surfing on the whims of the wind
Calling it living
Everything that can happen outside
Can also happen within
Feel it
And live it
Be bold
And brave
And for the love of all the Gods
Ask questions
Step out of line
Change the view from inside of your mind
And spin those eyeballs around
And see
That is you
That is me
Keep thinking
Keep believing
Keep trying
Stop hiding
Stop lying
Try finding
When you need to speak
Because holding your tongue
Makes the whole world go numb
Holding your tongue
When you should speak your peace
Makes your insides go numb
CH 4/19/24