The waves of the ocean rock back and forth
As I fall asleep
Dreams of drowning in the deep
Stir with every heartbeat
Back and forth
I am rocked into a nightmare
Dark clouds loom above the birds
A storm is coming
The whales sound the alarm
As they cry out for Love
But she is away today
On vacation
It’s an hour for back-breaking winds
And impaling rains
Thunder echoes the cries of pain
And lighting illuminates the darkness
It’s a wet-dream for a starving artists
If he can survive the temper of the Gods, that is
Apollo has promised victory in the future
But only if
He can
Walk on water
He steps out
Onto a sea lion
And she takes him on a ride
Into the middle
Of the darkness
The furthest place
From hope that a man and sea lion can get
I scream for Apollo to settle the sea
But he tells me
That’s a job for Poseidon
And he is with Love
On vacation
So Apollo whispers,
“Fight back.”
He is always saying this
And I usually listen
That is why
He likes me
But I don’t know how to fight a storm
I am no match
But he persists
“We are the storm.”
“I am just a man, not a God, like you, Apollo!”
And that was when the waves settled
And the water became still
“Look down.”
I look
And see
My reflection
“You are the storm.”
And that was when I started to sink.