Silent Night
Echoed through the house
Of the music teacher
Over and over again
Being played
By a 7 year old boy
Who's father
Had just shot himself in the head
In their living room
1 week ago
The young man
Told his mother
That he wanted to give up on everything he was doing
Except for
His piano lessons
He usually rolled his eyes
And sighed
At his music teacher
She had said
He had always been her most difficult student
But now
With the suicide
He was a mess
She taught him a few Christmas songs
T’was the season
And the young man
Stopped her at Silent Night
He told his music teacher
That this song
Silent Night
Was the only song
He wanted to play
They played it over and over again
For 9 months
Way past Santa
Something about the song
Gripped the boy
And the music teacher said
That something about the song
Helped heal the young man
She said
The power of music
Cannot be captured with words
It’s something that has to be felt
Silent Night
Echoed through the music teachers walls
Over and over again
A young man
From overwhelming grief
It offered him
Some sort of relief
What a life this is
When music can heal us
And when art
Can save us.