I overate again
It’s one of my best skills
My stomach
Has the ability
To expand
8 times
It’s normal size
When overeating
I fill it
With all sorts of shit:
Ice cream
Giant breakfast burritos from a food cart
Chocolate milk
Energy drinks
Fast food
It’s the
lower/middle class diet
. . .
I don’t think I am middle class . . .
I’m not sure where the lines are?
Or who draws them?
Are they on our taxes?
I feel like they should be . . .
I made 40,000 last year
What does that make me?
In Bend, Oregon,
In 2023,
It feels poor.
That’s probably just this time and place.
I live in a damn expensive state
And the most expensive city in the state.
My stomach hurts
And I still want to eat
The candy
That’s on the counter
Being able
To stuff yourself full
In the most expensive city
In the most expensive state
Is probably
A middle class thing to do.
I never knew . . .
Instead of the candy on the counter,
I ate my brother's ice cream.
-C.H. 8.7.23