Tonight, I am lonely again
But tomorrow I’ll be strong
Tonight, I needed you
And you weren’t here
And I was only wishing that you were
But tomorrow
I won’t need anyone
I’ll be strong enough to stand it
Yes my dear, I wish you were here
You see
I was angry today
Irritated with this maze of a world
And I just thought
That if I did get too hot
You’d be the one
Who could cool me off
But I am reminded by your absence
That you won’t always be here for me
And I need to survive on my own
I need to learn how live alone
I need to learn to let things go
But the real problem with us is
I know
That you only love me
Because I don’t need you . . .
but some days . . .
I do
And that is why
You and I
Don’t fit together
Like others do
And this is why
I cannot try
With anyone else other than you
CH 4/19/24