As I drift
Further and further away
From who I used to be
I reach back
To try to grab a piece of that man
So I can take it with me
On my voyage through the foggy darkness
But that man
He takes his joint that he was smoking
And puts it out on the back of my hand
As I reach for him
And then he growls at me
And tells me to get going
He is a rude fella
With determination in his eyes
And. . .
So much anger in them as well
I am afraid
Because that anger is his fuel
And how can I press through this foggy night
Without any fuel?
I clutch my hand with my other hand
And give the jerk the middle finger
He smirks at me in a condescending way
That really pisses me off
“Good luck, you prick. You’ll need it,”
He says to me
And then
Standing on the edge of that dock
He gives me the middle finger
The audacity of this guy has me shaking
“I don’t need you where I am going!”
I call to him
“Of course you don’t!
You’re headed for luxury, my man
You’re headed to the big-time,
With those fancy folk
And their proper speak
And proper manners
That ain’t a place for me.”
My little boat drifts further and further away from the long and skinny dock he is on
And his voice starts to trail off
And the that’s when the fog really settles in
Blanketing the still water
The temperature drops suddenly
I squint to try to see if he is still there
But I’ve drifted too far away from him now
And it is too dark and foggy
To see anything behind me clearly
Good riddance
I think turning around
Away from him and the shore
But I immediately look over my shoulder to try to get one last glimpse of him again
But still
It is just the darkness there now
Shit. . . I am going to miss that prick.
CH 3/6/24