This is how villains are made
You lock someone good in a cage
You make them do pointless labor for you
You tell them that their ego has grown too big
And that they need humbling
You tell them that we are responsible for the world crumbling
You lock a good person in a room
And make them play with their shadows
You make someone feel alone
And tell them that they’ll never afford a home
You tell them the media is mostly lies
And that the elections aren’t legit anymore
You show them the stage
And make them watch the theater
You tell them that they have to get a vaccine
And wear a mask
You yell at them to sit still during class
You tell them that it's the corporations that run the world now
You tell a good person that there is a war raging on out there
And you show them the pictures of the dead children
That’s when you tell them that God is dead
God wouldn’t let that happen to the kids . . .
God must be up there laughing down at us
Or God must be
And you tell that good person
That all of it
Is our fault
And that it is
Our responsibility
And that
We’ve been failing miserably
And that
It might be irresponsible to have children right now
This world is that bad
And then throw in some personal failure
And a heartbreak or two
Maybe a childhood trauma
That is how villains are made.
. . .
It’s almost a miracle to stay good in this world.
It’s almost unnatural.
It’s only in the small pockets of kindness
That we feel the light.
It’s only when we recognize how bad things are out there
That we realize that we are in a fight.
It’s only when we can see the cage that we are in
That we get the choice to rage
But the first few rounds of our fight always start within
And then
After that
We fight the cage
That takes good people
And turns them into villains
And we break it
We break the wheel.
. . .
Alright, that's our plan. Got it?
We take the system that turns good people into villains
and we break it
and in doing so
we will make sure that we're remembered as--. . .
We become villains in order to stop more villains from being made
We chew our way out of our cage
We break our bones to get free from our chains
And I am certain that they'll paint us all as insane . . .
CH 6/11/24