and I,
are both,
in someone else's
We are the heroes in our own story
We are the victim
The oppressed
The orphaned
The lost
The underdog
The light
that is only in our own story.
That only exists in
our own
self absorbed perspectives.
you and I
the oppressor
the bully
the established
the darkness
the symbol for tyranny,
from the perspective
of another.
Do not assume you are the hero
Do not forget about the people you hurt
How quickly those memories escape
from the maze in our minds,
and are replaced
by delusions of grandeur.
The maze is full of monuments of ourselves
that we built
and now worship,
like the false idols we are.
We are both
the idol
and the idolizer
The hero
and the villain
The oppressed
and the oppressor.
The writer
and the reader.
Be careful
of the stories
you tell yourself,
It surely comes
from the most unreliable narrator;
and me.