A rose is nice
I guess
It’s pretty
To some people
It’s fragile
And doesn’t last long
And it’s supposed to symbolize love
And maybe that’s because it is beautiful and fleeting
Like love is
But I don’t really like roses
I like Dandelions
Because they are resilient
They can grow almost anywhere
In any conditions
And they’re hard to kill
They’ll pop out of a crack in a cement sidewalk
All alone
Just them
Surrounded by cement
Dodging the feet of so many people
Until someone comes and decapitates them
By pulling them up by their little heads
I remember reading about ‘Dandelion Children’ once . . .
Many children are able to thrive in any environment,
While others may flourish only under the most favorable of conditions.
A rose
Will die easily
But a dandelion will survive where the rose would
Be a Dandelion
Stand alone
Be resilient
Grow anywhere
And if you ever date me
And on Feb 14th
You get a bouquet of Dandelions
Instead of red roses
You know why
And I am not sorry about it.
CH 2/16/24