I pushed her away
When we were getting close
Because I got
Scared again
And now
She is with her ex
And she doesn’t text
I asked for space
And that’s what I got
But the thought
Of her with him
Feels like spiders in my stomach
Chewing their way out
Their venom spreads
And races up my veins
Into my heart
And that’s when
It shrivels up
Half its size
And with each heartbeat
I feel the heat
And now
I regret it
Now, I wish she could come over
But he flew across the country just for her
And I took her for granted
So, he gets her this week
That’s only fair, I guess. . .
(this is where I deleted a line so i won’t hurt her when she reads this)
But this week
I miss her smile
And her smell
And I could tell
That I fell
For her
And it was when I was falling
That I pulled the parachute
And bailed.
Heights and love have always scared me.
But not spiders.
No, not spiders
They can snack on my stomach.
CH 12/5/24