The soul isn’t whole
There’s a couple holes in it
A few missing pieces
Somethings yearns for more
A transformation beckons
There's always room to grow
The universe expands
Making room for more
The soul isn’t alone
But yet
It is
Surrounded by ‘The Other’
But never truly together
Alone and together . . .
Hoping someone sees us
And chooses to stay
Someone that’s almost the same
Someone that knows our pain
The soul hopes this other soul will make us feel whole
But no
They just help us grow
Or they slow our roll
We will never be filled
What fun would it be to be done?
No one here sees it
But they know
They know of the holes in our soul
Because they have a similar home
Alone but together . . .
Together but alone . . .
An infinite sea of faces in our home
The soul can’t be whole
It needs to long
One person
By themselves
Is hardly strong
But together
We can storm any weather
But we are hardly ever all together
Constantly raging against one another . . .
I think I just want one of these holes filled
I think I’d like to fall in love
But today I feel sick
Today, I feel like I’ll never find it
Today, I want to
Today, I want to meet my future wife
I want to feel loved
I want to grow
I want my lonely soul to share a home
I wish I could find my person
I wish I could accept love
And give it
Alone but together . . .
Together but alone . . .
No one is coming to save me
No one is coming to make life better . . .
I hope I didn’t miss it
I hope I can risk it
When it comes time to find it . . .
Alone and together . . .
Together and alone . . .
CH 7/27/24