This isn’t a poem
It’s a spell
To make you fall in love with me
Yes, it’s magic
A dark magic
One that I’ve practiced
A thousand times
This is a seed
Being planted inside of your soul
So we can fall in love before we get old
I bet you’ll be a nice old lady, though
I’d like to get old with you
I’d like to see every side of you
Every inch
Your cold skin
Against my warm skin
Your wet lips
On my dry lips
Moving your hips
Let me feel your energy
Let me love you
Let me smell your hair
And make you cum
Again and again and again
Let me in
Show me your sin
You can be primal with me
You can become passion
Let it out while you can, babe
Feel me
Really see me
Look into my eyes
And don’t stop
Don’t ever stop
Stay in this moment with me forever
Never put on your clothes
Never go home
Stay here
And don’t let me go
Don’t let me walk away again
Keep your skin on my skin
Keep your head on my heart
Let’s hide from the rest of the world
And let’s raise a little girl
And get another dog
And buy a home
Life’s too short for the two of us to be alone
Your the one
The only one I want
And if I never take my shot
That regret would haunt me for eternity.
CH 12/14/24