You'll have to excuse me
I got caught up
Writing about women
And I got caught up
Romanticizing drinking and suffering
And I got caught in a whirlwind of smoke
That I inhaled into my lungs
And blew out my nose
And I got caught up
Being self-righteous
And pointing the finger at them
When it should've been aimed at us
And I got carried away
Thinking I could change the world
And I rolled down a hill
Gaining momentum
As I headed for a cliff
That I just barely
All because I stared into the abyss
And took out my dick
And took a piss on it
Ah, but the abyss bites back
And apparently has a much bigger dick than mine
And I got so wrapped up
In trying to be clever
That I never
Saw my own reflection
It was always just a projection
So forgive me
I got lost in the sauce
And forgot what it is to be an artist
I got caught up
Trying to win
Instead of just expressing what it is
To live
CH 3/20/24