Stuck in an epoch
Stuck staring at a blank screen
Stuck in a loop
Stuck in a maze
Things don’t get better or worse. Things just change. And they also stay the same.
Stuck in my house
Stuck at a job
Stuck in my mind
Stuck between the future and the past
Stuck with my lies
And stuck with all the responsibilities of the future
Change happens organically
And so swiftly
We can’t stop it
Or slow it down
We cannot understand it
While simultaneously living it
It is us
And we are it
We are
With each other
There was a time
When we believed that we shouldn’t try to change things
But instead
We should observe
And try to
When we try to change everything at once
Everything burns
Everything burns
And there is
Nothing to learn
So, little bird,
Just observe and learn
Observe and learn
And wait
Wait until
It’s your turn.