I think for my next trick
I’ll write a deeply philosophical
And erotic
I’ll combine these two passions of mine
Ignite the spark
And really let loose
Really get deep . . .
Really hammer out the hard stuff . . .
Really pound everything in . . . until something sticks . . .
You know, just your usual philosophical bullshit
And then
Once you’ve been sucked in
Thinking you’ll learn something
I’ll make it sexy
What a book this will be
What a homerun
He’ll be a billionaire werewolf pirate
And she’ll be . . .
Just a regular lady
Sparks will fly
Things will be discussed
Sex will be had
Maybe even food poisoning
And of course
Meaning will be on full display
Shit, maybe it’s a play??
Or would that be considered porn then?
. . . Philosophy and porn . . . ?
. . . Holy shit!
I’d watch the hell out of that!
Wouldn’t you??