Thinking about thinking
When everyone has all the answers on their phones
Seconds away
From finding out
Whatever they want
College lectures free on youtube
an infinite sea of distractions
Audio books
Free knowledge
free pleasure
Free stimulation
Free distractions
This spider web
It’s a tool
It all depends on how we use it
here is the kick in the pants,
Who is it that is giving us the answers to our questions?
When we take to google,
what at Google is answering us?
An algorithm?
But isn’t behind the algorithm
A human?
Somewhere back there
there’s a person who sold out
and became a tool for propaganda
Of course this would happen
The government has to have their hands in everything
Don’t they?
We thought we were gaining knowledge
We thought we were answering our questions
But instead
We found control
We found lies
We found greed and shenanigans
Of course we did
This is america
And we are arrogant
And greedy
And unfortunately
We are ignorant too
We think we have all the answers
But instead
We have all the lies and delusions
We have our culture in our pockets.