A feeling can spark a flame.
And the flame is both life and death.
Light and chaos.
This is what it means to feel.
To feel something real.
The highs and lows.
The joys and sorrow.
Everything has a balance.
The worst things we can feel
Are often followed by the best
And vice versa.
But we know this
We just choose not to see it.
To only see the light
And pretend the chaos isn't there
Lurking in the background of every feeling.
And then there are those times where there is no spark
No flame
No feeling
Here lays the darkness
And the darkness is hell.
Feeling numb
Feeling nothing.
Day after day.
It’s worse than feeling everything.
It’s better to light the flame
Then to never light it at all.
It’s better to feel
And take your chances with the chaos
Then to feel nothing at all.
You must remember this when you’re in hell.
You might be tempted to stay there.
To feel nothing at all.
But you must endure.
Hell on earth