An old lady
In her 90’s
Lays in the hospital
After having a violent fall
Which resulted in her breaking her hip
And it seems like
She isn't going to recover
She will probably pass soon. . .
And she
She is my grandma
Who I've never met
And I didn't even know her name
Until an aunt
That I don't remember ever meeting
Sent me a message on my writing Instagram page
Telling me all of this
And she gave me her phone number
Just in case I want to meet my grandmother before she dies. . .
My father
Never talked about his mom to me
Not once
And he talked about his dad
Just a few times
He was emancipated when he was 15 or 16
And all I know
Is that he supposedly had a horrible childhood with them
But he never talked about that either
I would just hear whispers
While growing up
About them
And this lady
That is in the hospital with the broken hip
Is my last living grandparent
I don't know how to feel
Or what to do
The only thing that I am
Is curious
I always did have to learn about something for myself
I could never just take someone's word for it
And I am really curious if my father chose a lady that was like his own mother
When he chose his ex wife - my mother.
I just wonder
If the cycle continues . . .
And I am curious about myself
And if I do ever have kids
If I'll let them meet my mom
Or if one day
They'll get a random message from my sister
Telling them that she is in the hospital
And that she might pass soon
I am curious
What my son would do. . .
CH 3/21/24
I am curious about the wife you will choose . . .