Each day
Feels the same
Only the people change
Only the screens
Move in different ways
With different things to say
But I stare at them
Like life is in them
And on and on it goes
With no new shows
Just the same shoes
With the same souls
Walking around town
Searching for a new sound
A pluck
From the guitar
A new high note
From the local star
A new picture
From the artist
That leaves the heart
But it is always the same shit
Isn’t it?
Just slightly
Pay rent
Go to work
Try not to be a jerk
Wait in line
Try not to
Lose your mind
One line at a time
Try to shine
Do your best
And the rest
Well that’ll take care of itself
That's what they say
Don’t they?
But the days still feel the same
I’ve seen this play
Shoulders feeling heavy
Head down
Dark clouds
A face in the crowd
Of 7.2 billion
All busy
To stop and see
Someone like me
It’s too real
Popping of the screens
Like 3D
Art is reality
And reality
Is art
And it tugs
At the human heart
Pulling it this way or that way
Which way
I cannot say
But a way
I’m sure
Even if it’s a bit strange
It’s a calling for something like
Maybe then
All these days
Won't feel the same.